Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Farewell Welfare Care: 'Personal Annhialation'

Thursday, 5 July 2012
Well/Fair Treatment?
Over recent years there has been much talk of making people more
responsible for their health. So for example, it was suggested that if a person injured themselves because of being drunk
then they should pay for the cost of their treatment at the local
A&E. Further, in some areas local health authorities have denied patients operations
unless they give up smoking or lose weight. Some may feel it is only
right that treatment is denied when an individual refuses to take
appropriate care of his/her health. Conversely, how would people feel if
treatment was forced upon them rather than denied to them?
Destination Unknown?
Last week a report named 'Destination Unknown: Summer 2012' was released detailing 2 years of research regarding the cumulative affects of welfare reform on 6 households. The report was written by Claudia Wood for the Demos* project: 'The Disability in Austerity'.
A day doesn't seem to go by without newspaper articles featuring some aspect or other of welfare reform, from Cameron's housing benefit reforms announced yesterday, to debates about what and for whom universal benefits should pay for. As the Demos research demonstrates however, disabled claimants are particularly vulnerable because many claim more than one benefit and use more services, added to which there is much uncertainty about further cuts in the future, hence the title of the report: 'Destination Unknown'.
Mental Welfare
Two weeks ago the Guardian started a series called 'Breadline Britain'. Across the UK there are many reports of
people committing or attempting suicide due to the draconian elements of welfare
reform. What kind of society are we turning, where people decide that
they would be better off dead than alive? Why not take a look at the
short video produced by the Guardian (at the bottom of the page) where
claimants detail just how hard life has been due to welfare reform.On the
live thread they reproduced part of my comment with regard to the
deteriorating mental health of people claiming benefits which I'm
reproducing below:
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
Film: These Four Walls
Life lived in a box of shadows waving across walls, looking outside in and inside out at what life could be without these four...
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