Thursday, 2 May 2013

Well Feared: How Do You Live Without Money?

This is a question I've had to ask myself because of the increasing number of disability claimants that are having their benefits stopped after ESA reassessment and who wish to appeal the outcome.

I was initially basing this post on the information I've gathered about how I would cope if this was to happen, which I will address later in another blog, but I came across this article in the Huffington Post today and saw a comment underneath written by a deputy head teacher that clearly demonstrates the consequences for children whose parents either lose their disability benefits, or are sanctioned (I've formatted his comment for easier reading):

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Well Feared: Open Your Curtains You Loser!

'Open your curtains you loser!!!': yes, that was what someone screamed outside my house at around 9.45am last Saturday morning; no doubt, I'm not the only person who has experienced this in recent years. But, why did that person shout this? What reasons could he possibly have for behaving in such a manner? Many believe it comes down to government propaganda, specifically statements released to the press since the coalition came to power.

Friday, 26 April 2013

Welfare Without Funds

I read a disabled bloggers account in the Huffington Post today of the financial hardship disabled people face (Financial Burden of Ill Health). As I indicated the other day, I would give an update on how my reassessed care package is working out for me, as it's directly the cause, along with the bedroom tax, of depriving me of disability income meant to fund all kinds of things as Elaine Benton points to in her article.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Welfare: Mental Health v Physical Health (I am not crazy...)

It's a long time since I posted; I basically lost heart after a care reassessment that wasn't signed off until my books were audited in January. That meant the process took 6 months in total. After that stressful period, extreme fatigue kicked in. I'll write a different post about the consequences of the care assessment at a later date. First I want to raise the issue of how mental health issues prejudice your physical care.